
Trauma & Brain Function

Oct, 18 2018  3:30 PM-3:30 PM

By Debbie Bobbitt Harris

Category: Therapeutic Respite Services

Price: 399


The experience of extreme neglect, abuse or abandonment can lead to the development of severe emotional, psychological and neurobiological impairment in infants and young children. Without consistent professional treatment and placement into a loving, caring environment, children who have been victims of severe neglect and abuse may grow into adults who are incapable of age-appropriate functioning. Learn how early childhood trauma affects brain function and, ultimately, inhibits normal development in infants and child.

Healthy Brain Development

The building blocks of the brain, neurons, are formed during fetal development. The portion of the brain required for essential functioning, such as breathing and heart rate, consists of the brainstem and midbrain, which are mostly developed at birth. The areas of the brain responsible for executive functioning, such as emotional regulation, communication, and problem-solving, are only in the beginning stages of development at infancy. Under normal, supportive conditions, these areas develop rapidly during the first three years of life. Key neurological developments begin at infancy through age 3 (and beyond):


Dr Joshua Bloom

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Date and Time

Oct, 18 2018  3:30 PM-3:30 PM


Port Orange, Florida, FL - 32019 , United States

Building Name: 3628 Spirit Drive


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